Aug 16, 2019
My African cliché of the day is like a fabric. A fabric made of
gossips and lies, a fabric that wraps most Africans migrating to
the West, into an insulting category of trying to abuse the social
benefits system whereever they live.
However, like Yasuke did before them, to surpass oneself in a
foreign country, to defy isolation, xenophobia, prejudices,
discrimination, and so and so , in order to reach their dreams, is
a characteristic of the majority of the Africans scattered around
the world !
I said majority of course, bacause, obviously, some people have
abused the social safety nets in their adoption countries. But in
any case, this marginal proportion shouldnt be used as an excuse,
to insult the silent majority of migrants who is fighting everyday
to make a living with honesty and dignity.